College Student's Monthly Budget Calculator

College Student's Monthly Budget Calculator

This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. This calculator is designed to give a reasonable monthly representation of a college student's finances. This is usually run by the student just before the phone call home to say "More money please..."
Version 8.9.8
This Page Last Downloaded or Refreshed: 02/22/2023 15:39:09
Budget Calculator
Budget Required Data Entry
Gross Income (monthly average)
Payroll Deductions
Taxes (Federal, State, etc.)
Savings Plan (401k, 403b, credit union)
Other (medical, dental, etc.)
Total Payroll Deductions
Net Income (Gross less Deductions)
Personal Savings (pay yourselves first)
Housing (rent or mortgage, etc.)
Home Maintenance (laundry, toiletries, upkeep)
Transportation (purchase, lease, or public)
Auto Upkeep (gas, insurance, license, etc.)
Food (groceries + dining out)
Books, Periodicals, Online Services
Entertainment (TV, movies, CD's, vacation)
Debt Repayment (credit card, school, etc.)
Other Expenses
Total Expenses
Net Income minus all Expenses