Online License Renewal
Welcome to the Renewal section of the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation website. Here you will find a list of professions which are currently in renewal. If your profession title is not listed below then either you are not required to renew at this time or your profession title is not regulated by this department. You will be able to renew for approximately 2-3 months prior to the expiration date shown on your license. If you don't know your expiration date, you may find it by using the IDFPR License Lookup application.
NOTE: If an applicant misses the renewal window and the online portal does not allow you to renew after it concludes, you must reinstate their license by requesting a Reinstatement application from IDFPR.
Professions Currently in Renewal
Please allow 2-4 business days for your license to post in our systems and your license status to update.