Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Board of Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics
The Orthotics, Prosthetics, and Pedorthics Act was signed into law in 1999 with an effective date of January 1, 2000. The Board is composed of six members appointed by the Secretary consisting of one orthotist, one prosthetist, one pedorthist, one member who is a consumer of orthotic, prosthetic or pedorthic professional services, one public member and one licensed physician. The Board advises the Secretary and the Department on matters pertaining to discipline, licensing and standards of practice.
Daniel Hasso | DuPage
Loretta Goddard | Cook
Edward M. Horton | Public Member | Cook
Sourabh Nagale | Cook
Ryan Schuetzle | Cook
Steven Campau, MD
Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Meeting Agendas
Meeting and Agenda on August 9, 2024 - Cancelled
Meeting and Agenda on February 9, 2024 - Cancelled
Meeting and Agenda on August 4, 2023 - Cancelled
Meeting and Agenda on August 22, 2022 - Cancelled
Meeting and Agenda on September 14, 2021
Meeting and Agenda on Februart 8, 2021 - Cancelled
Meeting and Agenda on February 3, 2020 - Cancelled