Possible online services disruption due to Internet related outage
Title Insurance
Title Insurance Companies - means any domestic company organized under the laws of this State for the purpose of conducting the business of guaranteeing or insuring titles to real estate and any title insurance company organized under the laws of another State; the District of Columbia or foreign government and authorized to transact the business of guaranteeing or insuring titles to real estate in this State.
Title agents are companies or individuals registered by the title insurance underwriters to conduct real estate transactions throughout the State of Illinois.
The Act also requires the certification of Independent Escrowees. These independent escrowees receive deposits, in trust, of funds or documents for the purpose of effecting the sale, transfer, encumbrance or lease of property held until the title to the subject property is in prescribed condition.
CONSUMER ALERT: Department of Financial and Professional Regulations enters consent order with AJ Escrow Management, LLC ordering AJ Escrow to cease and desist operating as a title insurance company, title agent, and independent escrowee without the required certificate of authority, registration or license. See the following documents:
Title Insurance Online Services
Additional Resources
Title Insurance Registered Agent Application/Renewal
Underwriter Instructions for Uploading Documents
Title Insurance Application Packet (RA-10)
Registrant Affidavit Form Individual Version (Form GMC-1)
Registrant Affidavit Form Corporate Version (Form GMC-1)
Statement by Agent
Full Service Agent Form
Name or Address Change (Form NAC-1)
Note To Agents: Please submit any forms directly to your underwriter, who will then submit said forms to the Title Insurance Section
Title Insurance Company Forms
Statements and Guidance
Third Notice to Underwriters, Title Agents, and Escrow Agents Regarding Inaccurate Certificates of Exemption and Certificates of Compliance
Second Warning to Underwriters Title Agents and Escrow Agents Regarding Inaccurate or Fabricated Certificates of Exemption and Certificates of Compliance, 7-31-2020
Notice For Title Insurance Underwriters and Registered Agents Regarding Exemption and Certificates of Compliance. 5-15-2020
PNTN Settlement Agreement, 2-18-2020
Proposed Regulatory Guidance Title Insurance: Splitting Premium And Fees With Title Agents
Proposed Regulatory Guidance Title Insurance: Splitting Premium And Fees With Title Agents Public Comments
Cover Letter to Bulletin 1-05-Title Insurance Agent Requirements
Bulletin 1-05-Title Insurance Agent Requirements
Cover Letter to Informational Handouts 1-06, and 2-06
Informational Handout 1-6, (2-23-2006)
Informational Handout 2-06, Controlled Business Arrangements (2-23-2006)
Title Insurance Regulatory Bulletin 3-06