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Appraiser Disciplines - 2000


Katherine Raila, 1995-03601-2 -- 03/30/00
Order: Revocation. Violations: SR 1 and 2 and the Ethics and Competency Provisions of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a careless and negligent appraisal report employing inappropriate methods and techniques. Specifically, Respondent prepared a report indicating value in amounts far in excess of typical property values for the area, failing to substantiate claims that county records were searched in a diligent manner, erroneously reporting the number of sales in the county, containing an unsupported and overly high value estimate, containing unsupported and contradictory depreciation estimates, containing adjustments for garage facilities that violate the Principle of Substitution, containing inaccurate basement adjustments based on incorrect reporting that the comparable properties had no basements, erroneously including $10,000 of personal property in the value of the real property, and containing contradictory information in the area reported in the cost approach, in the area reported in the sales comparison approach and failing to identify 480 square feet of improvements.


Lloyd Allen, 1996-00047, -- 10/10/00
Order: Revocation, Violations: SR 1-1 and the Ethics and Competency Provisions of the USPAP. Respondent failed to develop the capitalization rate and failed to be aware of, understand and correctly apply the Income Approach to valuation in accordance with accepted methods and techniques necessary to produce a credible appraisal, failed to disclose to the client Respondent's lack of knowledge regarding the Income Approach to valuation, submitted a misleading appraisal report by improperly understanding the value of the subject property, and acted as an advocate for his client in developing and preparing the subject appraisal.


George N. Bougas, 2000-00055-1 – 10/13/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $500.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a misleading appraisal report which improperly overvalued the subject property in that it failed to account for previous sales history and current market conditions.

Jerry Brisco, 1996-00047 – 10/10/00
Order: Revocation. Violations: Ethics Provision of the USPAP. Respondent prepared an appraisal on April 12, 1999, which indicated that he held license number 156-000596 when said licensed expired on September 30, 1997 and was in non-renewed status.

Frank Calhoun, 2000-0061 –12/27/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $500.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-5 of the USPAP. Respondent failed to properly report and analyze prior sales history of the subject property.

LaMont Faibvre, 1995-06539, 1997-00058, 1998-00052, 1998-00078 B 3/1/00
Order: Revocation, three years; may not apply for any other appraiser rank until revoked license is restored; must retake all then required courses for the state license as a Real Estate Appraiser; must pass examination for the state license; must submit proof of 1000 hours of appraisal experience regarding work in compliance with USPAP standards for which an Appraiser license is not required. Violations: SR 1 and 2 of the USPAP. Respondent prepared misleading and inaccurate appraisal reports containing incorrect locations, photographs, sale prices, descriptions and square footages of comparables, misreporting the location of the subject property, failing to disclose that the subject property has an in-ground swimming pool and elaborate deck system, failing to define the neighborhood, failing to discuss neighborhood market factors or conditions, failing to provide an analysis or statement regarding highest and best use description, failing to provide a description of the subject property, a statement as to the property rights appraised, a description of the improvements, a presentation of the cost approach or explanation or lack thereof and a presentation of the income approach or explanation of lack thereof, and utilized his own methodologies in disregard of appropriate appraisal practice. In addition, the appraisal certificate states that Respondent inspected the interior and exterior of subject property while the report states that the interior was not inspected.

Cornelius R. McDonald, 1998-00111, 1999-00095, 1999-00102 -- 05/03/00
Consent Order: Indefinite suspension, minimum of two years. Violations: Ethics Provision and SR 2 of the USPAP. Respondent overestimated the market value of certain real properties, used comparable that were not similar to subject properties in location or construction material, failed to make appropriate adjustments for inferior or superior comparable used in appraisal reports, utilized photographs that did not depict the properties cited in appraisal reports and utilized false market data.

Felicia E. Merchant, 1999-019, 2000-062 - 12/27/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $1000.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1, 2-1 and 1-5 of the USPAP. Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1 and 2-1 by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Specifically, respondent rendered an appraisal service in a careless and negligent manner by misstating the condition of the garage, the room count, and the gross living area. Respondent also used inappropriate comparable properties that were merely the same value as the subject property instead of using true comparable properties. Additionally, Respondent violated SR 1-5 by failing to properly research, analyze, and report prior tax sales data of the subject property.

Daniel Villarreal, 1999-00133 – 06/22/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $1000.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a misleading appraisal report utilizing inappropriate comparable properties and erroneously citing the square foot living area of comparable properties.


Timothy E. Phillips, 1998-00087 -- 02/12/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $750 Fine and complete change in rank to Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser by September 30, 2001. Violations: SR 1 and 2, the Ethics Rule and the Record Keeping Rule of the USPAP. Respondent failed to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal and failed to communicate each analysis, opinion and conclusion in a manner that is not misleading.


Burnette Hughes, 2000-00063, 2000-00009-2 – 10/13/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $3,000.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a misleading and non-credible appraisal report by failing to properly research public records concerning the subject property and failing to inspect the subject property.


Gearith E. Burkhart, 1999-00006-1 – 08/02/00
Consent Order: Refuse to renew. Violations: SR 1-1 of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a misleading appraisal report utilizing inappropriate comparable properties and making inaccurate gross living area adjustments.


Vincent Colabelli, 1999-00023 – 10/13/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $1000.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 and 1-5 of the USPAP. Respondent failed to produce a credible appraisal report because he utilized unverifiable comparable properties. Respondent also failed to properly report and analyze the previous sales history of the subject property.


Allyn Davis
, 1998-000101, 1998-000131, 1997-000082 – 06/06/00
Consent Order: Revocation, may not use either the title of Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser or utilize his former license number. Violations: SR 1-1 and 2-1 and the Ethics Provision of the USPAP. Respondent prepared misleading appraisal reports by using comparable properties from neighborhoods superior to the subject properties’ neighborhoods, even though suitable comparable properties were available within the subject properties’ neighborhoods; utilizing comparable sales outside of the condominium building of one subject property when there were suitable sales within the subject condominium’s building; overextending the neighborhood range and boundaries of subject properties; utilizing superior sales comparables when determining fair market value via the sales comparison approach; failing to report the existence of pollutants and a large trash incinerator in the vicinity of one subject property; overestimating the market value of subject properties; and failing to identify the appraisal reports as being summary reports.


Charles Watters,
1998-00085 -- 3/30/00
Order: Revocation. Violations: Ethics Provision of the USPAP. Respondent erroneously represented that his license was in active status, when it was in non-renewed status by transmitting a copy of a license certificate which contained erroneous dates of issuance and expiration and by signing three appraisal reports while his license was in non-renewed status.


Ronald Reeder, 1998-00045, 1999-00044, 1999-00045 -- 02/15/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $1000 Fine and Education. Violations: SR 1 of the USPAP. Respondent failed to correctly apply recognized appraisal methods and techniques.


Nitin P. Bhatt, 1998-00083, 1998-00121, 1998-00122, 1998-00123, 1998-00130 – 08/02/00
Consent Order: Restore license to active status upon payment of all applicable fees. In January 1999, Respondent’s license was revoked based on allegations that Responded acted as an advocate for his client and rendered appraisal services in a careless and/or negligent manner which resulted in misleading appraisal reports. On March 10, 2000, Respondent filed a Petition for Restoration of his Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser License.


Steven W. Johnson,
1999-00125-1 – 08/02/00
Consent Order: Indefinite Suspension, minimum two years. Violations: Ethics Rule of the USPAP. Respondent acted as an advocate for his client in the creation and signing of fraudulent appraisals.


James L. Sloan, 1997-074 - 12/27/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $500.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 of the USPAP. Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1. Specifically, Respondent supervised and co-signed an appraisal report that utilized inaccurate gross living areas and utilized inappropriate comparable properties instead of more appropriate comparable properties which were closer to the subject property. Respondent also supervised and co-signed an appraisal report that was non-credible in that the appraisal report utilized unsupported modernization adjustments.


James E. Bosco, 2000-00019 -- 05/03/00
Consent Order: Restoration, $300 Fine. Respondent filed a Petition for Restoration of his terminated IL Real Estate Appraisers license, which was granted.


William J. Houlihan, 1996-00113, 1998-00149, 1998-00150 -- 04/9/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $1500 Fine and Education. Violations: SR 1 and 2 of the USPAP. Respondent failed to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal and failed to communicate each analysis, opinion and conclusion in a manner that is not misleading.


David A. Ratkovich,
1997-00051 – 06/06/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $500.00 fine. Violations: SR 1 and 2 and the Ethics Provision of the USPAP. Respondent failed to disclose his relationship to the subject property and he prepared a misleading appraisal report by failing to report the prior sales history of the subject property.


Michael Bruno, 1998-00145, 1999-00001 – 11/22/00
Consent Order: Suspension, two years. Violations: SR 1-1(c) of the USPAP. Respondent provided appraisal services in a careless and negligent manner and developed and communicated a misleading appraisal report.


David Forshay, 1998-00028, 1998-00040, 1999-00008 B -- 03/1600
Consent Order: Reprimand, $2500 Fine, must complete 15 hours USPAP class. Violations: SR 1 and 2 and Ethics Provision of the USPAP.


Melva Wynn, 1998-00093, 1999-00053, 1999-00176 – 10/13/00
Consent Order: Reprimand, $2,500.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a misleading appraisal report by failing to properly analyze and report the previous sales history of the subject property and the comparable properties.


Anthony E. Cash, 1996-0071-2 B -- 03/30/00
Order: Revocation. Violations: SR 1 and the Competency Provision of the USPAP. Respondent prepared a misleading appraisal report.
