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Appraiser Disciplines - 2002


Anastasia Pasquini, 2000-00127-1, 09/26/2002

Order: Revocation The Certificate of Registration issued to Anastasia Pasquini to carry on the practice as a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby Revoked.

Respondent's license is REVOKED.


William Fornek, 2000-00178-1, 06/13/2002

Consent Order: Indefinite suspension Violations: USPAP 1-1(a)(b)(c), 1-4(b)(i) and 2-1(a)

Respondent rendered violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by rendering appraisal services in a careless or negligent manner, such as making a series of errors that, although individually might not significantly affect the results of an appraisal, in the aggregate affect the credibility of results, for the property. Specifically, Respondent prepared an appraisal for the subject property with an improper zoning classification, incorrect market area description and he failed to use an appropriate appraisal method when using a cost approach for said subject property since he failed to establish the appropriate land value for the subject property. Additionally, Respondent made a substantial error when using the sales comparison approach by selecting as comparable properties superior quality homes of greater value and homes outside the immediate market area. Respondent also completed several additional appraisals in which he utilized comparable sales data outside the immediate boundaries of the subject property without cause; misrepresented the zoning of the subject property; failed to accurately describe the subject property and its sales history; and utilized the "comparable sales" which were not comparable to the subject property which resulted in misleading reports. Respondent's license is indefinitely suspended for a minimum of two (2) years.


Gregory Ingram, 2001-00041-1, 05/29/02

Consent Order: Reprimand & $500 fine Violations: USPAP SR 1-4, 1-5 (b), 1-1 (a)(b)(c)

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce credible appraisals for three different properties in that he made numerous errors and omissions, namely that: he failed to analyze prior sales information (USPAP SR 1-4), failed to report a prior sale (USPAP SR 1-5), and incorrectly described the subject property as a brick ranch house when in fact it was a bi-level brick and frame structure.


Michael Chitty, 2001-0113-1, 2001-0027-1, 1-11-02

Consent Order: Reprimand and $1500.00 fine. Violations: SR 1-1, 1-5(b), 1-1(b), 1-4, 1-4(c) and 2-1(a) of USPAP.

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal for two properties. Specifically, Respondent failed to properly research, analyze and report prior sales data on both properties (USPAP 1-5(b)); committed errors of omission (USPAP 1-1(b)) in that he failed to note a busy highway and a commercial parking lot; failed to use the Income approach although both properties were in a rental area (USPAP 1-4(c)); and failed to provide accurate comparable properties (USPAP 1-4) which resulted in misleading reports (USPAP 2-1(a)).

Tracey K. Schneider, 2001-00245-1 & 2002-00059-1, 07/19/2002

Order: Revocation

It is therefore ordered that the Certificate of Registration heretofore issued to Tracey K. Schneider to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby Revoked pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner. Respondent's license is REVOKED.


Colleen Anaya, 2001-0019-1, 1-11-02

Order: Revocation

It is therefore ordered that the Certificate of Registration, heretofore issued to Colleen Anaya to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby Revoked pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner.


Shirley A. St. Germaine, 2002-00046-1, 06/13/2002

Consent Order: Reprimand & $1500 fine Violations: USPAP 1-1(b)(c), 1-4(a)(c), 2-2

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Respondent created a careless and negligent report (USPAP SR 1-1 (c)) through a series of errors and omissions (USPAP SR 1-1 (b)), namely that: she failed to make an adjustment for the fact that the subject property needed a new roof; failed to state that the HVAC may not be in working order and to make the proper adjustment; failed to properly utilize the sales comparison approach in that she simply stated an adjusted value and did not conduct an analysis of the comparable sales to reach a value conclusion (USPAP SR 1-4(a)); and she failed to properly utilize the income approach in that she didn't use the market rent in her analysis or use the correct methodology to get a cap rate (USPAP SR 1-4(c)) thereby creating a misleading report in violation of USPAP SR 2-2.

Respondent is restricted from engaging in any appraisal work on non-residential properties without an Illinois Certified General supervising and signing the report. The Illinois Certified General shall not be anyone related by blood or marriage.


Charles Murden, 2001-0120-1 - 3/1/02

Consent Order: Reprimand and $1,000 fine. Violations: SR 1-1. 1-1(b), 1-1(c), USPAP Departure Rule, 1-4, 2-1(a), 2-2(b)(ix), 1-5.

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal for the property. Specifically, Respondent prepared an appraisal in a careless and negligent manner (USPAP 1-1(c)) by committing certain errors of omission (USPAP1-1(b))in that he failed to list the actual age of the subject, failed to state that the property was located in an Enterprise Zone, and failed to note the access and egress to the major highway that the property is located alongside the subject property. In addition, Respondent failed to invoke the USPAP Departure Rule. Although the subject property was referred to as a unique design with a limited use of improvements, there was not an inadequate discussion of how it was a unique design. Furthermore, there was no reference to indicate that the client was in agreement with the performance of a limited appraisal. Respondent also failed to properly use the Highest and Best Use analysis in that he merely gave the definition of Highest and Best Use without doing the necessary analysis in violation of USPAP 2-1(a). In addition, Respondent failed to analyze the sales history (USPAP 1-5, 2-2(b)(ix)) or to disclose the sales history (USPAP 1-5) which resulted in a misleading report (USPAP 2-1(a)).

Respondent shall ensure that all commercial appraisal reports prepared by him shall be co-signed by a Certified General Licensed Appraiser for three years.


Angela M. Di Renizo-Ciolli 12/18/02

Order: Intent to Deny Violations: 225ILCS 458/15-55(2002)

Applicant failed to rectify a check that was dishonored by her financial institution.

Khurshaid Hussain, 12/ 31/02

Order: Reprimand & 2,500 Fine Violations: USPAP SR1-1 (a)(b), 1-4, 1-5 (b), 2-1

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce credible appraisals for two different properties in that he made numerous errors and omissions, namely that: he failed to list and analyze prior sales information (USPAP SR 1-4), failed to report a prior sales (USPAP SR 1-5), and used inappropriate comparable properties that were located in neighborhoods superior to the subject property.

Susan Mustari, 2001-0161-1, 3/1/02

Consent Order: Reprimand and $1,000 fine. Violations: SR 1-1, 1-1 ( c). 2-1(a).

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Respondent prepared an appraisal in a careless and negligent manner (USPAP 1-1 (c)) by: using comparables that varied in age from three to seventy two years and then failing to explain the wide range in age; incorrectly listing the age of subject property as three instead of seven years old; stating that Sale #1 was .03 miles from the subject, when in fact it is 3.21 miles away in a different neighborhood; failing to state the in Sale #1 the house was new and then make the corresponding age adjustment; using in inappropriate comparable property, Sale #3, in that it was a seventy-two year old house located 3.51 miles away in a different, well-established neighborhood; and reporting square footage amounts for two of the comparable properties that differed from the square footage reported by the assessor and then failing to make the appropriate adjustment which resulted in a misleading report (USPAP 2-1(a)). Respondent acted as an advocate for the client in violation of 225 ILCS 457/90(a)(10).

Cordell L. Sampson, 1998-0061-1, 03/30/02

Order: Revoked

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Certificate of Registration, heretofore issued to CORDELL L. SAMPSON to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby REVOKED pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner.

Veronica Simmons, 2001-00128-1

Consent Order: Reprimand and $5,000 Fine Violations: U.S.P.A.P. SR 1.1 (a), (b), (c), and 2.1(a)

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal for the subject property. Specifically, Respondent's reports failed to explain or justify why her opinion of value changed from $475, 000 to $825,000 to $750,000 within a six-month period for the three separate appraisals she prepared for the same subject property. Division further alleges, that the Respondent acted as an advocate for the borrower.

Marshall Villarreal, 1999-0133-2, 3/1/02

Consent Order: Reprimand and $1000 fine. Violations: SR 1-1, 1-4, 2-3

Respondent supervised the preparation of a misleading appraisal report utilizing inappropriate comparable properties and erroneously describing the square foot living area of comparable properties in violation of USPAP SR 1-1, 1-4, and 2-3.

Mathew Watkins, 1998-00118-2, 09/19/02

Order: Civil Penalty $5,000

Violations: 225 ILCS 457/15(a)(b) and 457/95(a)(b),(c) Mathew Watkins was assessed a civil penalty of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the unlicensed practice of appraisal.


Timothy E. Phillips, 1998-00087-2, 03/12/02

Order: Refuse to Renew

This matter having come before the Real Estate Appraisal Administration and Disciplinary Board of the Appraisal Division of the Office of Banks and Real Estate (the Division), of the State of Illinois, and the Division having filed a Notice of Intent to Refuse to Renew; and the Division having complied with all required notices; and the time allowed for filing of a Petition for Hearing before the Commissioner of Banks and Real Estate having now passed, hereby Order that the license of Timothy E. Phillips to practice as a Real Estate Appraiser shall be refused to renew.


A LA MODE, 2002-00099-1, 3/20/02

Order: Revoked

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Certificate of Registration, Licensed Education Provider in the State of Illinois is hereby REVOKED pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusion of Law and Recommendations to the Commissioner.


THOMAS GROH (2-26-02) VIOLATION: USPAP SR 1-1 (b)(c), 1-4 (b), 2-1(a)(b) and the Ethics Provision.


Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal for two properties in 1996 and 1997. More specifically, Respondent created two careless and negligent reports (USPAP SR 1-1 (c)) through a series of errors and omissions (USPAP SR 1-1 (b)), by doing the following:

In Report #1, Respondent overvalued the subject property by fabricating a comparable sale, ignored suitable market data; used comparable sales ("Comps") located in superior neighborhoods; failed to identify the neighborhood in which the subject property was located; inaccurately reported the price range for single family housing; and failed to account for a $10,000 adjustment in the value of a Comp. (USPAP SR 1-4(b), 2-1 and the Ethics Provision).

In Report #2, Respondent failed to adequately describe the Comps used, misidentified their distance to the subject property, incorrectly stated that the subject property was owner occupied when in fact it was tenant occupied and used Comps located in superior neighborhoods in violation of USPAP SR 1-1 (b)(c), 1-4 (b), 2-1(a)(b).

Mathew Watkins, 1998-00118-2, 09/19/02

Order: Civil Penalty $5,000

Violations: 225 ILCS 457/15(a)(b) and 457/95(a)(b),(c) Mathew Watkins was assessed a civil penalty of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the unlicensed practice of appraisal.


Lawrence Starkman, 2001-0161-2, 3/1/02

Consent Order: Reprimand and $1000 fine. Violations: SR 1-1, 1-1(c)), 2-1(a), 2-3

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal for the property. Respondent was the supervisor of an appraisal which was completed in a careless and negligent manner (USPAP SR 1-1(c)) in that the appraiser did the following: used comparables that varied in age from three to seventy two years and then failed to explain the wide range in age; incorrectly listing the age of subject property as three instead of seven years old; stating that Sale #1 was .03 miles from the subject, when in fact it is 3.21 miles away in a different neighborhood; failed to state the in Sale #1 the house was new and then make the corresponding age adjustment; used inappropriate comparable property, Sale #3, in that it was a seventy-two year old house located 3.51 miles away in a different, well-established neighborhood; and reported square footage amounts for two of the comparable properties that differed from the square footage reported by the assessor and then failed to make the appropriate adjustment which resulted in a misleading report (USPAP 2-1(a)). The appraiser's conduct as outlined above was a result, in whole or in part, of her acting as an advocate for the client in violation of 225 ILCS 457/90(a)(10). When he signed the report, Respondent accepted full responsibility for the contents of the appraisal report. (USPAP SR 2-3).


Charles Jackson, 2001-00151-1, 03-22-02

Order: Revoked

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Certificate of Registration, heretofore issued to CHARLES JACKSON to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby REVOKED pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner.


Michael Del Monte, 2001-00123-1, 10/28/2002

Order: Reprimand & $1000 Violations: USPAP SR 1-1(b), (c), SR 1-4, 1-5(b)(ii)

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce credible appraisal. Specifically, Respondent failed to use the correct form for a commercial property; only reported one year of prior sales history on the Comparable Properties ("hereinafter, Comps") listed in the report instead of the required three (3) years for a commercial property (USPAP SR 1-5(b)(ii)); incorrectly used the Highest and Best use; indicated that there were environmental problems with the subject property, but then failed to indicate what they were; failed to utilize the income approach although the subject property was an income property (USPAP SR 1-4); incorrectly utilized the Sales Comparison approach since he failed to give an opinion of value; gave an opinion of value for the subject property that exceeded the value of the Comps used, since the value given for the subject property was $900,000 when the range of Comps used was from $365,000 to $520,000.


James White, 2002-00036-1, 06/13/2002

Consent Order: Reprimand & $1,000 fine Violations: USPAP 1-1(a)(b)(c), 2-1(a)

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Respondent also failed to clearly and accurately set forth the appraisal in a manner that will not be misleading. Specifically, Respondent improperly compounded a CAP rate on the income-producing property and utilized inappropriate comparable properties that were over three hundred (300) miles away when other more suitable comparables were available more locally. Respondent shall be required to complete two (2), thirty (30) hour income courses within one (1) year of the effective date of this Order.

Respondent shall be prohibited from rendering any appraisal services on any commercial or mixed-use property until his license is upgraded to a Certified General Appraiser.


Frank E. Van Vlierbergen, 2002-0109-1, 3/1/02

Consent Order: Refused Renewal Violations: SR 1-1, 1-1( c )), 1-5, 2-1, 2-3,

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal for property. Respondent co-signed and supervised an appraisal report that utilized inappropriate comparable properties, by using multi-level properties while the subject property is a ranch. The report misstated the square footage of "comparable" property number one; utilized an inappropriate gross living area diagram; and adjusted site sizes by using a two percent (2%) value for land adjustment regardless of the size of the site. Respondent violated the USPAP SR 1-1, rendering appraisal service in a careless or negligent manner which resulted in a misleading appraisal report, by utilizing comparable sales of properties that were brick while the subject property is frame. When he signed the report, Respondent accepted full responsibility for the contents of the appraisal report. (USPAP SR 2-3).

Respondent was the supervisor of an appraisal which was completed in a careless and negligent manner (USPAP SR 1-1 ( c)) in that the appraiser: failed to disclose the prior sales history for the subject property (USPAP SR 1-5) and created a misleading report by using comparables from the Near West Side neighborhood, although the subject property was located in Lawndale and there were nearby comparable properties available in violation of USPAP SR 2-1. When he signed the report, Respondent accepted full responsibility for the contents of the appraisal report.

The Certified General Real Estate Appraiser license of Frank E. Van Vlierbergen shall be refused renewal for five (5) years from the effective date of this Consent Order.


Monique L. Moore, 2002-00032-1, 07/19/2002

Order: Revocation

It is therefore ordered that the Certificate of Registration heretofore issued to Monique L. Moore, to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby Revoked pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner. Respondent's license is REVOKED.


Judith Dammons, 2000-00831-1, 06/13/2002

Consent Order: Revocation Violations: USPAP 1-1(c), 2-1, 2-3

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Respondent created careless and negligent reports (USPAP SR 1-1 (c)) in that she allowed unlicensed persons to gather, analyze, verify, and report data on the appraisal reports and for failing to disclose the contributions made by other persons in violation of USPAP SR 2-1. In addition, Respondent fraudulently signed an Appraiser's Certification (Freddie Mac Form 439/Fannie May Form 1004B) that was attached to each appraisal affirming that she had both personally inspected the subject property and had prepared all the conclusions and opinions about the real estate when in fact she had not in violation of USPAP SR 2-3.

Respondent's license is revoked for two (2) years.


Robert Connerty, 2001-00167-1, 10/28/2002

Order: Reprimand & $500 Violations: USPAP SR 1-1 (b),(c), SR 2-1

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce credible appraisal. Respondent created two careless and negligent reports (USPAP 1-1(c) through a series of errors and omissions (USPAP 1-1(b) for the same subject property. Respondent utilized different adjustments, different Comparable Sales, gave incorrect geographical boundaries and used inappropriate comparable properties, resulting in a misleading appraisal reports. RESTRICTION: Respondent is restricted from engaging in any appraisal work on income properties without a Certified Residential or Certified General Real Estate appraiser supervising and signing the report.


Stephen Vertin, 1995-3601-1, 03/02/02

Order: Reprimand and $10,000 fine.

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP"), Standards Rule ("SR") 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Respondent developed and/or supervised the reporting and development of appraisals for approximately thirteen (13) flood damaged real estate properties. Specifically, Respondent prepared those appraisals in a careless and negligent manner (USPAP SR 1-1 (c)) by committing certain errors of omission (USPAP SR 1-1(b)) in that he did the following: failed to verify the accuracy of the raw data compiled by the co-appraiser; failed to substantiate claims contained in the report that county records were searched and that discussions were had with local real estate experts; and misreported the number of sales in the county as twenty-five (25) when there was actually hundreds of sales available during that time period.


Jerome Cartlidge, 2001-00195-1, 03/20/02

Order: Revoked

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Certificate of Registration, heretofore issued to JEROME CARTLIDGE to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby REVOKED pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner.


Donald J. Dragisic, 2002-00039-1, 06/13/2002

Consent Order: Reprimand & $1000 fine Violations: USPAP 1-1(b)(c), 1-5, 2-1, 2-2

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce a credible appraisal. Respondent prepared two appraisals, three months apart for the same subject property in a careless and negligent manner (USPAP SR 1-1 (c)) by committing certain errors of omission (USPAP 1-1 (b)). In Report #1, he failed to do the following: substantiate why his opinion of value for the subject property was $10,000 higher than the current listing price of $70,000, and he incorrectly used the 704 Freddie Mac Form which does not comply with binding USPAP standards (USPAP SR 2-2). In Report #2, Respondent failed to do the following: state that property previously sold for $65,000 three months prior to the date of the appraisal (USPAP SR 1-5), disclose a prior listing (USPAP SR 1-5) and substantiate his opinion of value which was $50,000 more than what the property had just sold for three months prior to the appraisal report, thereby creating a misleading report in violation of USPAP SR 2-1.


Larry Lee Lino, 2001-0002-1, 1-11-02

Order: Revocation

It is therefore ordered that the Certificate of Registration, heretofore issued to Larry Lee Lino to carry on the practice of a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby Revoked pursuant to the terms and conditions contained in the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to the Commissioner.


Kevin Brisker, 2001-00123-1, 10/28/2002

Order: PROBATION Violations: USPAP 1-1(b)(c), 2-1(a)(b)

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1, by failing to be aware of, understand and correctly employ those recognized methods and techniques that are necessary to produce credible appraisal. Specifically, Respondent prepared two misleading appraisal reports. In one report he used inappropriate comparable properties in that the subject property was a commercial property and the comparables were residential properties. In the second report, he dated the appraisal on the day he wrote the report rather than the date he actually appraised the property, thereby creating a misleading report. By the time he had prepared the report, the subject property was involved in a fire that day which substantially affected its value.

PROBATION: Respondent is restricted to appraising only single-family homes and building with 2-4 units. All reports must be signed by a real estate certified residential or real estate certified general appraiser approved by OBRE. Respondent's license shall be placed on Probation until September 30th, 2003 or until he successfully upgrades his rank to a Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser.

Dawn Jackson, 2000-00096-1, 09/26/02

Order: Revocation The Certificate of Registration issued to Dawn Jackson to carry on the practice as a Real Estate Appraiser in the State of Illinois is hereby Revoked.

Respondent's license is REVOKED.


Christine Anderson, 2002-00029-1, 07/24/2002

Consent Order: Reprimand & $500 Violations: USPAP 2-1(b) and (c) Respondent failed to clearly and accurately disclose any extraordinary assumption, hypothetical condition or limiting condition that directly affects the appraisal and to indicate its impact on value in violation of The Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice ("USPAP") Standards Rule 2-1 (b) and (c). Specifically, Respondent prepared an appraisal report that failed to expressly report the following: that the appraisal was being made subject to ongoing remodeling and that the 89 year old property was given the effective age of 20 based on the on-going repairs and remodeling. She also failed to provide a credible explanation for adjustments made in the gross living areas.


Melvyn Wolf, 1999-00120-1, 1-11-02

Consent Order: Reprimand and $1000 fine. Violations: SR 1-1 of USPAP

Respondent violated the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice ("USPAP"), Standards Rule 1-1 by utilizing inappropriate comparable properties located outside the economic neighborhood of the subject property.
