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PERC LICENSEES: The deadline to renew your license without a late fee has been extended to July 31, 2024. Contact our call center at 1-800-560-6420 if you have questions. You can also view our helpful guides for retrieving your user name and for help resetting your password.

Appraiser Disciplines - 1994

Raymond Drapinski, St. Charles - Case Number: 1993-00250 -- 03 01 1994 Discipline: $500 Fine; Reprimand; Education Requirement; Violation: Submitted an appraisal that listed above ground level living space as basement without stating the assumptions that led to this conclusion.

Roger Hagerty, Alton - Case Number: 1993-05327 -- 09 27 1994 Discipline: $1,000 Fine; Reprimand Violation: Submitted appraisals to clients without indicating that an employee appraiser had significant participation in the preparation of the appraisal.
