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IDFPR launched a new online licensing system! Learn more about CORE and which professions can use it to apply for licensure now by going here.

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Board of Licensing for Professional Geologists

The Professional Geologist Licensing Act became effective July 1, 1996. The practice of professional geology is the performance of services of a geologist, including consultation, investigation, evaluation, planning, mapping, inspection of geologic work, and other services that require extensive knowledge of geologic laws, formulas, principles, practices and methods of data interpretation. The Board is composed of eight members appointed by the Secretary consisting of six licensed professional geologists and one public member. In addition, the State Geologist or his/her designated representative serves as an advisory, non-voting member of the Board. The Board advises the Secretary on matters of education, experience, continuing education, professional conduct and competence.

Steven E. Brown | Urbana
David T. Heidlauf | Kane
Simon Paul Broomhead | Chatham
Rebecca A. Kazmierski | Prospect Heights
Adam H. Kittler | Aurora
Christopher Stohr | Urbana

Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes
