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IDFPR launched a new online licensing system! Learn more about CORE and which professions can use it to apply for licensure now by going here.

WEBSITE ALERT: IDFPR is no longer affiliated with the idfpr[.]com domain name. The website currently hosted on that domain is not authorized by IDFPR and may pose a security threat to visitors. Please be sure to use only IDFPR’s official website at

Nursing Home Administrator

Professions Licensed by IDFPR:

  • Nursing Home Administrator, Licensed
  • Nursing Home Administrator, Temporary
  • Nursing Home Administrator, CE Sponsor

License Information


New Exam Process (12/11/2024)

  • Effective December 11, 2024 the ability to apply and be approved for the NAB CORE and NHA exams through Continental Testing ended due to a change in the NAB testing process. Applicants will now need to apply directly to NAB to sit for the National Exams (NAB and CORE) before applying to IDFPR for application review and approval to sit for the Supplemental Exam. The NHA exams must be taken and passed before applying for the Illinois Supplemental Exam. Exam Information--NAB

Illinois Supplemental Exam

Application and review for the state supplemental exam will now be with IDFPR. 

Third Party Authorization

  • We have a new Third Party Authorization for licensure applicants, which may be found here! This is for applicants to authorize individuals or companies to contact IDFPR on your behalf regarding your application. All other versions of the form will no longer be accepted by the Department starting May 1, 2024.

Licensee Application Forms

License Maintenance

Resources & Publications

Laws and Rules

Board Information
