Shorthand Reporting
Professions Licensed by IDFPR:
- Shorthand Reporter CE Sponsor - Renewal Available!
- Certified Shorthand Reporter, Licensed - Renewal Available!
- Restricted Shorthand Reporter, Licensed - Renewal Available!
License Information
Online Renewal & Instructions
- Online Renewal Instructions
- Click Here to Start Your Online Renewal!
Please allow 2-4 business days for your license to post in our systems and your license status to update. - NOTE: If an applicant misses the renewal window and the online portal does not allow you to renew after it concludes, you must reinstate their license by requesting a Reinstatement application from IDFPR.
Shorthand Reporter Licensee Application
An applicant for licensure who possesses a Registered Professional Reporter certificate or a Registered Merit Reporter certificate issued by the National Court Reporters Association is not required to sit for the examination.
- Certified Shorthand Reporter Examination
- Certified Shorthand Reporter Acceptance of Examination
- Certified Shorthand Reporter Endorsement
- Restricted Shorthand Reporters Certificate
- Continuing Education Sponsor Registration
- Continuing Education Out-of-State Sponsor Registration
- Petition For Restoration From Discipline
- Petition for Hearing