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Interpretive Letters by Subject

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[Issued January 1, 1980 to January 29, 2023]

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W

Access, Shareholder List 91-03
Accident Insurance, Sale of by Bank 89-06
Acquire Real Property for Swap, Bank Premises 93-07.1
Advisory Services, Financial, General Banking Business 89-07
Affiliate (80% commonly owned), Affiliate Transactions, Lending Limit, Low Quality Assets 94-22
Affiliate Facility, Bank 20-02
Affiliate Bank, Letters of Credit, Lending Limits 90-16
Affiliate Bank, Employees Attending Trust Committee Meetings 10-01
Affiliate, Covered Transaction, Bank Holding Company Stock Loan 87-01
Affiliate (80% owned), exemption, lending limit, collateral requirements 93-31
Affiliate Facility, Savings and Loan Association, Savings Bank 93-15
Affiliate Transactions, Affiliate (80% commonly owned), Lending Limit, Low Quality Assets 94-22
Affiliates (Not Disclose to), Customer Financial Records 93-10
Agency, Farm Real Estate Brokerage, Trust Company 95-11
Aggregation, Corporate Loan, Guarantee, Individual Loans, Partnership Loan 90-02
Aggregation, General Partner's Loans, Limited Recourse, Limited Partnership 94-06
Aggregation, Guarantee of Loan by Corporation, Lending Limit 92-13
Aggregation, Limited Partner (Loan to), Limited Partnership (Loan to) 90-08
Aggregation of Loans, Limited Liability Company, Member Borrowings


Appraisals, Qualified Real Estate Loan, Loan Participation 94-18
Appraisals, Qualified Real Estate Loan, Technical Deficiency 91-10
Appraiser (Independent), Bank Officer, Qualified Real Estate Loans 93-14
Approval (Not Required), Loan Production Office 91-21
Armored Car Service, Branch (Not), Deposit (Credited When Received by Bank) 91-23
Assignee for Benefit of Creditors, Certificate of Authority Not Required 95-12
ATM Access, Depository Receptacle 92-04
ATM (Mobile), Riverboat 92-01
ATM, Mobile 90-21
ATM, Proprietary Advertising 94-02
ATM's, Establisher of 85-04
ATM's, Establishment of 96-07
Automatic Teller Machine, Branch (Not) 91-19
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Bancorp, Bancorporation or Bancshares, Not Prohibited Use of Bank, Banker or Banking 88-08
Bank, Banker, Banking, Merchant "Bank", Corporate Name, Not Permitted 90-06
Bank Charter (Date of), Conversion, Trust Company Certificate of Authority (Date of) 91-26
Bank, Banker or Banking, Bancorp, Bancorporation or Bancshares Not Prohibited Use of 88-08
Bank Holding Company, Incorporator of Interim State Bank 93-17
Bank Holding Company Stock, Incorporators, Stock Ownership 95-14
Bank Holding Company Stock Loan, Affiliate, Covered Transaction 89-11
Bank Holding Company, Voting Trust 89-01
Bank Officer, Appraiser (Independent), Qualified Real Estate Loans 93-14
Bank Premises, Acquire Real Property for Swap 93-07.1
Bank, Real Estate, Employee Parking Lot 93-09
Banking Business, Foreign Bank Representative Office, Solicit Customers, Accept Deposits/Make Loans(Not) 91-12
Bond Registrar, Fiduciary Business, Certificate of Authority 94-17
Branch, Courier Service (Bank operated) 94-25
Branch, EFT Switch, Connection (direct) Main Office 96-03
Branch, Home Banking Service, Personal Computer 90-03
Branch, loan production office (LPO) 98-04
Branch (Not), Armored Car Service, Deposit (Credited When Received by Bank) 91-23
Branch (Not), Automatic Teller Machine 91-19
Branching (Not), Deposit Production 20-02
Branch (Not), National Bank, Development Credit Corporation Investment 91-32
Branch (Not), Out-of-State Agent for State Bank 93-04
Branch (Not), Senior Citizen Banking Facility 92-03
Branches, Deposit Receptacles, Night Depositories 94-10
Branches, Naming/Adopted Names 09-01
Branching, De Novo 04-01
Brokerage 97-06
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Call Report, Publication, Newspaper, Community 94-20
Cash only ATM's, Establishment of 96-07
Certificate of Authority, Bond Registrar, Fiduciary Business 94-17
Certificate of Authority (broker), Deposit with Broker, Securities in Fiduciary Accounts Act 95-09
Certificate of Authority Not Required, Assignee for Benefit of Creditors 95-12
Certificate of Deposit, Investment Limit



Certificate of Deposit, Pledged Segregated Deposit Account, Lending Limit Exception 91-11
Change of Control, Corporate Reorganization, 89-15
Change of Control, Employee Stock Ownership Plan 90-11
Change in Control, Out-of-State Bank Holding Company, Merger 93-08
Change of Control (Not), Proxies, Solicitation of Revocable Written Proxies 92-06
Change in Control (Not) - Reorganization 20-03
Charter Amendment, Contribution to Surplus (No Stock Issued) 92-11
Charter Amendment, Cumulative Voting Rights, Elimination 90-01
Check Printer and Check Number Act 98-07
Check Printer and Check Number Act, Verification Requirements 98-14
Collateral, Deposit Account of Guarantor, Lending Limit, Guarantee Form 93-26
Collateral, Medicaid Payment Rights, Lending Limit (Exceptions and Exemptions) 91-20
Collateral requirements, Affiliate (80% owned), exemption, lending limit 93-31
Collateralize Deposits, Grantees of Public Agencies, Public Funds 91-04
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, Marketable Investment Securities, Community Development 91-05
Collection Services, State Bank Not Bill Collection Agency 88-04
Colleges, temporary banking locations soliciting student accounts 97-05
Commissioner Approval, Foreign Banking Office Act, Powers, Derivatives Trade or Holding 95-15
Common Directors--Bank and Holding Company, Consolidated Board Meetings and Minutes, 95-13
Community, Call Report, Publication, Newspaper 94-20
Community Development, Joint Venture, Industrial Park 90-25
Community Development, Limited Partnership, Condominiums for Disabled and Low-Income 89-16
Community Development, Marketable Investment Securities, Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 91-05
Condominiums for Disabled and Low-Income, Limited Partnership, Community Development 89-16
Confidential Supervisory Information, Disclosure to Bank's Insurance Company 02-05
Confidentiality of Customer Financial Records 01-01
Connection (direct) Main Office, EFT Switch, Branch 96-03
Consolidated Board Meetings and Minutes, Common Directors--Bank and Holding Company 95-13
Consumer Installment Loan Act, Disclosure, Rule of 78's. 92-14
Consumer Installment Loan Act, Late Charges, Interest Act 92-02
Contract, Interest Rate, State Bank, Rate (agreed) 94-21
Contractual Deposit-taking Relationships, Nonaffiliated Banks 02-02
Contribution to Building Fund Bank Trade Association, Incidental Power 91-25
Contribution to Surplus (No Stock Issued), Charter Amendment 92-11
Conversion, Bank Charter (Date of), Trust Company Certificate of Authority (Date of) 91-26
Corporate Fiduciary Act Certificate, Foreign Banking Office Act Certificate 94-15
Corporate Fiduciary, Investment of Trust Assets 02-01
Corporate Fiduciary, Investment of Trust Assets, Mutual fund, Fee for Services to Mutual Fund, Disclosures, Reasonable Fees 94-09
Corporate Fiduciary, Investment of Ward's Assets 02-01
Corporate Fiduciary, Permitted Investment of Trust Assets, Mutual Fund, Fee to Corporate Fiduciary 96-05
Corporate Fiduciary, Securities Lending Permitted 92-12
Corporate Loan, Guarantee, Aggregation, Individual Loans, Partnership Loan 90-02
Corporate Name, Merchant "Bank", Not Permitted, Bank, Banker, Banking 90-06
Corporate Reorganization, Change of Control 89-15
Corporation (Not in Banking Business), Equipment Financing 93-20
Correspondent Services, Deposit-taking 02-02
Courier Service (Bank operated), Branch 94-25
Covered Transaction, Affiliate, Bank Holding Company Stock Loan 89-11
Credit Card Bank, Subsidiary, Limited Purpose Bank 91-13
Credit Card Receivables, Low Quality Assets (Past Due Accounts), Sale to Affiliate 87-04
Credit Insurance, Unemployment 93-24
Credit Life Insurance, Sale of by Bank 89-06
Cumulative Voting Rights, Elimination, Charter Amendment 90-01
Customer Financial Records, Disclosure Prohibited by Federal Law, Subpoena (Notice of) 93-03
Customer Information, Disclosure to Bonding Company 85-03
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Data Processing Services 98-11
Data Transmission Services 98-11
De Novo Branching 04-01
Debit Card System (University ), General Banking Business 91-02
Debt Cancellation Agreement, Incidental Power, General Banking Business 94-11
Deferred Compensation Plan Funding, Life Insurance 90-13
Delegation, Discretionary Investment Authority, Oversight Procedures 92-18
Deposit Account of Guarantor, Collateral, Lending Limit, Guarantee Form 93-26
Deposit with Broker, Securities in Fiduciary Accounts Act, Certificate of Authority (broker) 95-09
Deposit (Credited When Received by Bank), Armored Car Service, Branch (Not) 91-23
Deposit Guaranty Bonds (deposits in excess FDIC Insurance), Senior Citizen Banking Facility 94-04
Deposit Production 20-02
Deposit Receptacles, Night Depositories, Branches 94-10
Depository Receptacle, ATM Access 92-04
Derivatives 13-01
Derivatives Trade or Holding, Foreign Banking Office Act, Powers, Commissioner Approval 95-15
Development Credit Corporation Investment, National Bank, Branch (Not) 91-32
Director, Advisory, Director Emeritus 90-18
Director Emeritus, Advisory Director 90-18
Directors, Change Number of 98-02
Directors, Number of 90-15
Directors, Number of Directors (Less Than Five), Outside Director Required 91-30
Directors, Number of, Shareholders Vote 90-09
Disclosure of Confidential Customer Information to Bonding Company 85-03
Disclosure, Consumer Installment Loan Act, Rule of 78's. 92-14
Disclosure, Examination Report, Out-of-State Bank Regulator 91-07
Disclosure Prohibited by Federal Law, Subpoena (Notice of), Customer Financial Records 93-03
Disclosures, Corporate fiduciary, Investment of trust assets, Mutual fund, Fee for Services to Mutual Fund, Reasonable Fees 94-09
Disclosures, Federal Equal Credit Opportunity, Credit Card Issuance Act 94-14
Discount Brokerage Services, General Banking Business 89-10
Discretionary Investment Authority, Delegation, Oversight Procedures 92-18
Dissemination of Electronic Information 01-06
Divestiture, ORE, Transfer to Bank Holding Company 91-27
Dollar Roll Transaction, Fixed Coupon 89-09
Drafts, Letters of Credit, Automatic Renewal 90-12
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Early Cancellation Fee, Home Equity Line of Credit, Revolving Credit Plan, Financial Services Development Act 96-01
EFT Surcharge Notice Requirement 06-01
EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Network, Permitted Investment 92-16
EFT Switch, Connection (direct) Main Office, Branch 96-03
Electronic Mail, Conduct Business via, Board of Directors 02-08
Electronic Signature Technology 16-02
Employee Benefit Trust, Permissible Investment, Vacation Home 94-23
Employee Parking Lot, Bank, Real Estate 93-09
Employee Residence, Purchase, Transferred Employee 95-01
Employee Stock Ownership Plan, Change of Control 90-11
Employment Security (Illinois Department of), Visitation (exclusive), Unemployment Tax Records 95-03
Energy Derivatives, Foreign Bank, Management and Controls 94-19
Equipment Financing, Corporation (Not in Banking Business) 93-20
Establisher of ATM's 85-04
Examination Report, Disclosure, Out-of-State Bank Regulator 91-07
Examination Report, Financial Record of Customer (Not), Notice to Customers Not Required, Subpoena of Examination Report 92-07
Examination Report, Production by Bank Prohibited, Subpoena 89-08
Exemption, Affiliate (80% owned), lending limit, collateral requirements 93-31
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Factor, Account Receivables, General Banking Business 90-07
Farm Real Estate Brokerage 97-06
Farm Real Estate Brokerage, Agency, Trust Company 95-11
Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation ("Farmer Mac"), Permitted Investment 88-06
Federal Home Loan Bank, Stock in, Permitted Investment


Rescinded and Superseded by:
P.A. 93-620

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Stock, Permitted Investment, Student Loan Marketing Corporation Stock 92-05
Federal National Mortgage Association, Permissible Investment 87-02
Fee for Services to Mutual Fund, Corporate fiduciary, Investment of trust assets, Mutual fund, Disclosures, Reasonable Fees 94-09
Fee to Corporate Fiduciary, Corporate Fiduciary, Permitted Investment of Trust Assets, Mutual Fund 96-05
Fiduciary Business, Bond Registrar, Certificate of Authority 94-17
Financial Privacy Laws are not inconsistent with the provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 04-02
Financial Record of Customer (Not), Examination Report, Notice to Customers Not Required, Subpoena of Examination Report 92-07
Financial Services Development Act, Home Equity Line of Credit, Revolving Credit Plan, Early Cancellation Fee, 96-01
Fire Protection District, Loan, General Obligation, Lending Limit (Exemption) 91-31
Fixed Coupon Dollar Repo Transaction 89-09
FNMA Stock, Investment Limits 96-02
Foreclosure Sale (Not Before), Second Mortgage, Purchase 90-20
Foreign Bank, Energy Derivatives, Management and Controls 94-19
Foreign Bank Representative Office Act, Out-of-State Bank, Loan Production Office 91-17
Foreign Bank Representative Office, Solicit Customers, Accept Deposits/Make Loans (Not), Banking Business. 91-12
Foreign Bank, Risk Participations--Other Branches, Guarantee of Loan (not) 95-07
Foreign Bank, Subsidiary, Property Obtained in Collection of a Debt 91-22
Foreign Banking Office Act Certificate, Corporate Fiduciary Act Certificate 94-15
Foreign Banking Office Act, Powers, Derivatives Trade or Holding, Commissioner Approval 95-15
Full Faith and Credit, General Obligation (Alternate Bonds), Investment Limits Exemption 91-18
Futures Commission Merchant, Subsidiary of State Bank 83-01
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General Banking Business, Account Receivables, Factor 90-07
General Banking Business, Debit Card System (University ) 91-02
General Banking Business, Debt Cancellation Agreement, Incidental Power 94-11
General Banking Business, Discount Brokerage Services 89-10
General Banking Business, Equity-linked CDs 02-01
General Banking Business, Financial Advisory Services 89-07
General Banking Business, Incidental Power, Guaranteed Asset Protection Plan 94-13
General Banking Business, Securities, Purchase as Agent for Customer 89-05
General Obligation (Alternate Bonds), Full Faith and Credit, Investment Limits Exemption 91-18
General Obligation, Loan, Fire Protection District, Lending Limit (Exemption) 91-31
General Obligations, Municipalities in Bank's County, Investment Limits, Revenue Bonds, Obligations of State of Illinois (Secured by) 93-19
General Obligations of Municipalities, Marketable Investment Securities, Rating Requirements 92-15
General Obligations (Not), Tax Increment Financing Bonds, Investment Limits 93-11
General Partner's Loans, Limited Partnership, Aggregation, Limited Recourse 94-06
Guarantee 98-05
Guarantee of Collection, Lending Limit, Guarantee of Payment 93-21
Guarantee, Corporate Loan, Aggregation, Individual Loans, Partnership Loan 90-02
Guarantee of Loan by Corporation, Lending Limit, Aggregation 92-13
Guarantee of Loan (not), Foreign Bank, Risk Participations--Other Branches 95-07
Guarantee of Payment, Lending Limit, Guarantee of Collection 93-21
Guarantee, Separate Limit in Addition to Customer Borrowing/Lending Limit 85-05
Guarantee Form, Collateral, Deposit Account of Guarantor, Lending Limit 93-26
Guaranteed Asset Protection Plan, Incidental Power, General Banking Business 94-13
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Health Insurance, Sale of by Bank 89-06
Home Banking Service, Personal Computer, Branch 90-03
Home Equity Line of Credit, Revolving Credit Plan, Financial Services Development Act, Early Cancellation Fee, 96-01
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Incidental Power, Contribution to Building Fund Bank Trade Association 91-25
Incidental Power, Debt Cancellation Agreement, General Banking Business 94-11
Incidental Power, Equity Derivatives Hedging 02-01
Incidental Power, Temporary Residence for Bank Personnel 91-33
Incidental Power, Guaranteed Asset Protection Plan, General Banking Business 94-13
Incorporator of Interim State Bank, Bank Holding Company 93-17
Incorporators, Stock Ownership, Bank Holding Company Stock 95-14
Indemnification, Officers, Directors, Employees, Personal Liability 91-16
Indiana Trust Company, , Representative Office, Place of business in Illinois 94-16
Industrial Park, Joint Venture, Community Development 90-25
Installment Loans, Variable Interest Rate, Payments Equal Amounts 94-05
Insurance Contracts, Permitted Investment (Not) 90-19
Insurance Underwriting, Super Wild Card Powers 00-02
Interest Act, Late Charges, Consumer Installment Loan Act 92-02
Interest Rate, Loans Secured by Mortgage on Real Estate 98-01
Interest Rate, State Bank, Contract, Rate (agreed) 94-21
Internet Service Provider, State Bank, Community Development 96-04
Investment Adviser, Mutual Fund, State Bank 99-02
Investment Authority (Discretionary), Delegation, Oversight Procedures 92-18
Investment business (not), trust company, title insurance agent, permitted activity 97-03
Investment Limit, Certificate of Deposit 85-06
Investment Limits Exemption, General Obligation (Alternate Bonds), Full Faith and Credit, 91-18
Investment Limits, FNMA Stock 96-02
Investment Limit, Mutual Funds 02-03
Investment Limit, Non-Rated Bonds, Public Agency 93-22
Investment (not), loan workout, stock of borrower, State Bank 97-02
Investment Limits, Tax Increment Financing Bonds, General Obligations (Not) 93-11
Investment, Tax Sale Certificates Not Permissible 86-01
Investment of Trust Assets, Corporate fiduciary, Mutual fund, Fee for Services to Mutual Fund, Disclosures Reasonable Fees 94-09
Investments, Non-rated Marketable Investment Securities, Limitations and Standards 94-24
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Joint Venture, Industrial Park, Community Development 90-25
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Late Charges, Interest Act, Consumer Installment Loan Act 92-02
Lease not Disposition, Other real estate owned ("OREO") 94-08
Lease Financing 00-01
Lease Personal Property to, Lease Real Property to, Municipality 93-27
Lease Personal Property, Lending Limit (Exceptions and Exemptions to) 93-12
Lease Real Property to, Lease Personal Property to, Municipality 93-27
Leasing Authority, School District, Person (Defined) 93-25
Legal Lending Limits – Exemption for SBA Paycheck Protection Program Loans 20-04
Lending Limit, Basic 01-02
Lending Limit, Affiliate (80% owned), Exemption, collateral requirements 93-31
Lending Limit, Affiliate Transactions, affiliate (80% commonly owned), Low Quality Assets 94-22
Lending Limit, Certificates of Deposit 02-01
Lending Limit, Collateral, Deposit Account of Guarantor, Guarantee Form 93-26
Lending Limit, Collateral, Illinois Underground Storage Tank Fund 08-01
Lending Limit, Collateral, Warehouse Receipt (grain elevator) 08-03
Lending Limit, Customer Borrowing, Additional Separate Guarantee Limit 85-05
Lending Limit, Forms of the Guarantee, Guarantees of Payment, Guarantees of Collection 93-13
Lending Limit, Guarantee of Collection, Guarantee of Payment 93-21
Lending Limit, Guarantee of Loan by Corporation, Aggregation 92-13
Lending Limit, Letters of Credit, Affiliate Bank 90-16
Lending Limit, Push Down Accounting, Surplus 93-02
Lending Limit, Redemption of Delinquent Taxes 91-34
Lending Limit (Exception), Certificate of Deposit, Pledged Segregated Deposit Account 91-11
Lending Limit (Exemption), Loan, Fire Protection District, General Obligation 91-31
Lending Limit (Exceptions and Exemptions), Collateral, Medicaid Payment Rights 91-20
Lending Limit (Exceptions and Exemptions to), Lease Personal Property 93-12
Lending and Investment Limitations, Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority bonds 08-02
Letters of Credit, Affiliate Bank, Lending Limits 90-16
Letters of Credit, Drafts, Automatic Renewal 90-12
Letters of Credit, Federal Home Loan Bank, Pledge to Collateralize Deposits 00-06
Liability (Personal), Indemnification, Officers, Directors, Employees 91-16
Licensure under S.A.F.E. Act (Not), Register with NMLS 11-01
Licensure under S.A.F.E. Act (Not), Register with NMLS


Rescinded and
Superceded by:

Life Insurance, Deferred Compensation Plan Funding 90-13
Life Insurance, Retired Director, Permitted Activity 95-02
Limitations, Service Charges, Simple Interest 95-08
Limitations and Standards, Investments, Non-rated Marketable Investment Securities 94-24
Limited Liability Company, Aggregation of Loans, Member Borrowings 95-10
Limited Liability Company, Minority Equity Investment, Permitted Investment 96-06
Limited Recourse, Limited Partnership, Aggregation, General Partner's Loans 94-06
Limited Partner (Loan to), Limited Partnership (Loan to), Aggregation 90-08
Limited Partner, Small Business Investment Corporation 86-02
Limited Partnership, Aggregation, General Partner's Loans, Limited Recourse 94-06
Limited Partnership, Community Development, Condominiums for Disabled and Low-Income 89-16
Limited Purpose Bank, Subsidiary, Credit Card Bank 91-13
Loan, Fire Protection District, General Obligation, Lending Limit (Exemption) 91-31
Loan Limit, Loan Participation, Repurchase 95-06
Loan Participation, Qualified Real Estate Loans, Appraisals 94-18
Loan Participation, Repurchase, Loan Limit 95-06
Loan Production Office, Approval (Not Required) 91-21
Loan Production Office, National Bank Establishing in Illinois 88-07
Loan Production Office, Out-of-State Bank, Foreign Bank Representative Office Act 91-17
Loan workout, stock of borrower, State Bank, investment (not) 97-02
Loans, Collateral, Bank Holding Company Stock, Covered Transaction 93-28
Loans Secured by Mortgage on Real Estate, Interest Rate 98-01
Low Quality Assets, Affiliate Transactions, Affiliate (80% commonly owned), Lending Limit 94-22
Low Quality Assets (Past Due Accounts), Sale to Affiliate, Credit Card Receivables 87-04
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Management and Controls, Energy Derivatives, Foreign Bank 94-19
Marketable Investment Securities, Community Development, Collateralized Mortgage Obligations 91-05
Marketable Investment Securities, Rating Requirements, General Obligations of Municipalities 92-15
Medicaid Payment Rights, Collateral, Lending Limit (Exceptions and Exemptions) 91-20
Member Borrowings, Limited Liability Company, Aggregation of Loans 95-10
Merchant "Bank", Corporate Name, Not Permitted, Bank, Banker, Banking 90-06
Merger, Notice, Shareholders' Meeting 90-05
Merger, Out-of-State Bank Holding Company, Change in Control 93-08
Messenger Service, Bank Customers 85-01
Messenger Service, by Bank Employee For Bank Customers, Not Permitted 88-05
Minority Equity Investment, Limited Liability Company, Permitted Investment 96-06
Mobile ATM 90-21
Mobile ATM's, Mobile branches 93-32
Mobile branches, Mobile ATM's 93-32
Municipal Leases 99-01
Municipalities in Bank's County, General Obligations, Investment Limits, Revenue Bonds, Obligations of State of Illinois (Secured by) 93-19
Municipality, Lease Real Property to, Lease Personal Property to 93-27
Mutual Fund, Certificates in, Permissible Investment, "Readily Marketable" Required 90-04
Mutual fund, Corporate fiduciary, Investment of trust assets, Fee for Services to Mutual Fund, Disclosures, Reasonable Fees 94-09
Mutual Fund, Corporate Fiduciary, Permitted Investment of Trust Assets, Fee to Corporate Fiduciary 96-05
Mutual Fund, Invested in Limited Partnerships, Not Permitted Investment 88-03
Mutual Fund, Investing Seed Money In 99-02
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National Bank, Development Credit Corporation Investment, Branch (Not) 91-32
National Bank, Establishing Loan Production Office in Illinois 88-07
National Bank Outside of Illinois, Representative Office, Trust Services 93-01
National Bank, Unsecured Lines of Credit, Representative Office 90-23
National Wild Card Powers 01-06
Newspaper, Call Report, Publication, Community 94-20
Newspaper, Published Weekly, In Business at Least One Year, Published 91-09
Night Depositories, Deposit Receptacles, Branches 94-10
Non-Bank Owned ATMs, Branding Agreements for State Chartered Banks 10-03
Non-Rated Bonds, Investment Limit, Public Agency 93-22
Non-rated Marketable Investment Securities, Investments, Limitations and Standards 94-24
Notice to Customers Not Required, Examination Report, Financial Record of Customer (Not), Subpoena of Examination Report 92-07
Notice, Shareholders' Meeting, Merger 90-05
Number of Directors 90-15
Number of Directors (Less Than Five), Directors, Outside Director Required 91-30
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Obligations of State of Illinois (Secured by), General Obligations, Municipalities in Bank's County, Investment Limits, Revenue Bonds 93-19
Office in Illinois, Out of State Corporate Fiduciaries 94-07
Officers, Directors, Employees, Indemnification, Personal Liability 91-16
ORE, Transfer to Bank Holding Company, Divestiture 91-27
Other Real Estate Owned ("OREO") 98-03
Other real estate owned ("OREO"), Lease Not Disposition 94-08
Out-of-state Agent for State Bank, Branch (Not) 93-04
Out-of-state Bank or Affiliated Trust Company, Safekeeping, Pledged Securities 89-04
Out-of-state Bank, Loan Production Office, Foreign Bank Representative Office Act 91-17
Out-of-state Bank Holding Company, Change in Control, Merger 93-08
Out-of-state Bank Holding Company, De Novo Illinois Bank, Acquire Financial Institution in Default or in Danger of Default 93-05
Out-of-state Corporate Fiduciaries, Office in Illinois 94-07
Outside Director Required, Directors, Number of Directors (Less Than Five) 91-30
Oversight Procedures, Delegation, Discretionary Investment Authority 92-18
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Participation 98-05
Pawnbroker customer disclosures 24-01
Pawnbroker, definition 98-06
Pawnbroker, limited courier services 06-03
Pawnbroker Regulation Act 98-13
Payments Equal Amounts, Installment Loans, Variable Interest Rate 94-05
Permissible Activity, Exchange Property Obtained in Satisfaction of Debt 10-02
Permissible Investment, Equity-linked CDs 02-01
Permissible Investment, Federal National Mortgage Association 87-02
Permissible Investment, Mutual Fund, Certificates in, Readily Marketable 90-04
Permissible Investment, Student Loan Marketing Association 87-02
Permissible Investment, Vacation Home, Employee Benefit Trust 94-23
Permissible Investment of Trust Assets, Equity-linked CDs 02-01
Permissible Investment of Ward's Assets, Equity-linked CDs, (Not) 02-01
Permitted Activity, Insurance Business (not), trust company, title insurance agent 97-03
Permitted Activity , Life Insurance, Retired Director 95-02
Permitted Investment, EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) Network 92-16
Permitted Investment, Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation ("Farmer Mac") 88-06
Permitted Investment, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Stock, Student Loan Marketing Corporation Stock 92-05
Permitted Investment, Insurance Contracts, (Not) 90-19
Permitted Investment, Minority Equity Investment, Limited Liability Company 96-06
Permitted Investment, Mutual Fund, Invested in Limited Partnerships, Not 88-03
Permitted Investment, Stock Dividend, Small Business Investment Company 93-30
Permitted Investment, Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank (90-10 rescinded and superceded by 2002-07) 90-10
(90-10 Rescinded)
Permitted Investment of Trust Assets, Corporate Fiduciary, Mutual Fund, Fee to Corporate Fiduciary 96-05
Permitted Investment, Universal Life Insurance Policy, (Not) 91-08
Person (Defined), School District, Leasing Authority 93-25
Personal Computer, Home Banking Service, Branch 90-03
Place of business in Illinois, Representative Office, Indiana Trust Company 94-16
Pledge Assets to Secure Deposits, Policemen and Firemen's Pension Funds, Public Funds 80-01
Pledge Assets, Secure Deposits of Public Funds 91-01
Pledge to Collateralize Deposit, Public Funds 89-04
Pledged Assets, Type Pledged, Public Funds 91-06
Pledged Securities, Safekeeping, Out-of-state Bank or Affiliated Trust Company 89-04
Pledged Segregated Deposit Account, Certificate of Deposit, Lending Limit Exception 91-11
Pledging Assets to Secure Private Deposits 98-12
Policemen and Firemen's Pension Funds, Public Funds, Pledge Assets to Secure Deposits 80-01
Power of Attorney, Trust Department 91-35
Powers, Foreign Banking Office Act, Derivatives Trade or Holding, Commissioner Approval 95-15
Prepayment penalties, incentives to not prepay 97-04
Privacy of Customer Financial Information 01-01
Privacy of Customer Financial Information 04-02
Property Obtained in Collection of a Debt, Foreign Bank, Subsidiary 91-22
Proprietary Advertising, ATM 94-02
Proxies, Solicitation of Revocable Written Proxies, Change of Control (Not) 92-06
Public Funds, Collateralize Deposits, Grantees of Public Agencies 91-04
Public Funds, Pledge to Collateralize Deposit 89-04
Public Funds, Pledged Assets, Type Pledged 91-06
Public Funds, Policemen and Firemen's Pension Funds, Pledge Assets to Secure Deposits 80-01
Public Agencies' Grantees, Collateralize Deposits, Public Funds 91-04
Public Agency, Investment Limit, Non-Rated Bonds 93-22
Publication, Call Report, Newspaper, Community 94-20
Published, Newspaper, Published Weekly, In Business at Least One Year 91-09
Purchase by Bank of Securities as Agent for its Customers 89-05
Purchase, Employee Residence, Transferred Employee 95-01
Push Down Accounting, Surplus, Lending Limit 93-02
Push Down Accounting 93-16
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Qualified Real Estate Loan, Appraisals, Technical Deficiency 91-10
Qualified Real Estate Loan, Appraiser Qualifications 02-04
Qualified Real Estate Loans, Bank Officer, Appraiser (Independent) 93-14
Qualified Real Estate Loans, Loan Participation, Appraisals 94-18
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Rate (agreed), Interest Rate, State Bank, Contract 94-21
Rating Requirements, Marketable Investment Securities, General Obligations of Municipalities 92-15
Readily Marketable, Mutual Fund, Certificates in, Permissible Investment, 90-04
Real Estate, Bank, Employee Parking Lot 93-09
Real Estate Brokerage 97-06
Real Estate Development Activities 98-10
Real Estate, Disposal of by State Banks 00-05
Real Estate Tax Sale Certificates 98-15
Real Property Leasing 00-03
Reasonable Fees, Corporate fiduciary, Investment of trust assets, Mutual fund, Fee for Services to Mutual Fund, Disclosure 94-09
Redemption of Delinquent Taxes, Lending Limit 91-34
Remote Access for Pawn Loan Renewal 16-02
Remote Deposit Capture Terminals 06-02
Renewal (Automatic), Letters of Credit, Draft 90-12
Representative Office, Indiana Trust Company, Place of business in Illinois 94-16
Representative Office, National Bank Outside of Illinois, Trust Services 93-01
Representative Office, National Bank, Unsecured Lines of Credit 90-23
Repurchase, Loan Participation, Loan Limit 95-06
Retired Director, Life Insurance, Permitted Activity 95-02
Revenue Bonds, Investment Limits, General Obligations, Municipalities in Bank's County, Obligations of State of Illinois (Secured by) 93-19
Reverse Repurchase Agreement 89-12
Revolving Credit Plan, Home Equity Line of Credit, Financial Services Development Act, Early Cancellation Fee, 96-01
Risk Participations--Other Branches, Foreign Bank, Guarantee of Loan (not) 95-07
Riverboat, ATM (Mobile) 92-01
Rule of 78's, Consumer Installment Loan Act, Disclosure. 92-14
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Safekeeping, Out-of-state Bank or Affiliated Trust Company, Pledged Securities 89-04
Sale to Affiliate, Credit Card Receivables, Low Quality Assets (Past Due Accounts) 87-04
Savings and Loan Association, Savings Bank, Affiliate Facility 93-15
Savings Bank, Savings and Loan Association, Affiliate Facility 93-15
School District, Person (Defined), Leasing Authority 93-25
Second Mortgage, Purchase, Foreclosure Sale (Not Before) 90-20
Securities Brokerage Services, Super Wild Card Powers 00-02
Securities in Fiduciary Accounts Act, Deposit with Broker, Certificate of Authority (broker) 95-09
Securities Lending Permitted, Corporate Fiduciary 92-12
Securities, Purchase as Agent for Customer, General Banking Business 89-05
Senior Citizen Banking Facility, Branch (Not) 92-03
Senior Citizen Banking Facility, Deposit Guaranty Bonds (deposits in excess FDIC Insurance) 94-04
Service Charges, Limitations, Simple Interest 95-08
Services, tax preparation by Banks 97-01
Shareholder List, Access 91-03
Shareholders' Meeting, Merger, Notice 90-05
Shareholder's Vote, Directors, Number of 90-09
Shareholder's Vote, Number of Directors 90-09
Simple, Interest, Service Charges, Limitations 95-08
Small Business Investment Company, remitted investment, Stock Dividend 93-30
Small Business Investment Corporation, Limited Partner 86-02
Solicitation of Revocable Written Proxies, Proxies, Change of Control (Not) 92-06
State Bank, Community Development, Internet Service Provider 96-04
State Bank, Interest Rate, Contract, Rate (agreed) 94-21
State Bank, stock of borrower, loan workout, investment (not) 97-02
Stock Dividend, Permitted investment, Small Business Investment Company 93-30
Stock in Federal Home Loan Bank, Permitted Investment (90-10 rescinded and superceded by 2002-07) 90-10
(90-10 Rescinded)

Stock Ownership, Incorporators, Bank Holding Company Stock 95-14
Student Loan Marketing Association, Permissible Investment 87-02
Student Loan Marketing Corporation Stock, Permitted Investment, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Stock 92-05
Subpoena of Examination Report, Examination Report, Financial Record of Customer (Not), Notice to Customers Not Required 92-07
Subpoena, Examination Report, Production by Bank Prohibited 89-08
Subpoena (Notice of), Disclosure Prohibited by Federal Law, Customer Financial Records 93-03
Subsidiary Notice, Assets Acquired in Foreclosure, Waive 60-Day 90-22
Subsidiary, Limited Purpose Bank, Credit Card Bank 91-13
Subsidiary, Property Obtained in Collection of a Debt, Foreign Bank 91-22
Surplus, Push Down Accounting, Lending Limit 93-02
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Tax and Accounting Services by Banks 99-03
Tax Increment Financing Bonds, General Obligations (Not), Investment Limits 93-11
Tax preparation services by Banks 97-01
Tax Sale Certificates  
Tax Sale Certificates, Not Permissible Investment 86-01
Temporary Residence for Bank Personnel, Incidental Power 91-33
Title Insurance 98-09
Title Insurance Agent, permitted activity, insurance business (not), trust company 97-03
Transfer to Bank Holding Company, ORE, Divestiture 91-27
Transferred Employee, Employee Residence, Purchase 95-01
Travel Agencies/Sale of Common Carrier Tickets, Super Wild Card Powers 00-02
Trust Business 99-04
Trust Company Certificate of Authority (Date of), Bank Charter (Date of), Conversion 91-26
Trust Company, Farm Real Estate Brokerage, Agency 95-11
Trust Company, Title Insurance Agent, permitted activity, insurance business (not) 97-03
Trust Department, Power of Attorney 91-35
Trust Preferred Securities 02-06
Trust Services, National Bank Outside of Illinois, Representative Office 93-01
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Unemployment, Credit Insurance 93-24
Unemployment Tax Records, Visitation (exclusive), Employment Security (Illinois Department of) 95-03
Universal Life Insurance Policy, Permitted Investment (Not) 91-08
Universities, temporary banking locations soliciting student accounts 97-05
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Vacation Home, Permissible Investment, Employee Benefit Trust 94-23
Variable Interest Rate, Payments Equal Amounts, Installment Loans 94-05
Visitation (exclusive), Employment Security (Illinois Department of), Unemployment Tax Records 95-03
Voting Trust, Bank Holding Company 89-01
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Waive 60-Day Notice, Subsidiary Notice, Assets Acquired in Foreclosure 90-22
